Difference Between Search Engine and Directory

Search Engine vs Directory

Summary: Difference Between Search Engine and Directory is that search engine is helpful in locating information for which you do not know an exact Web address or are not seeking a particular Web site. While Web pages, images, videos, news, maps, and other information related to a specific topic. A subject directory classifies Web pages in an organized set of categories or groups, such as sports or shopping, and related subcategories.


Difference Between Search Engine and Directory

Search Engine

A search engine is helpful in locating information for which you do not know an exact Web address or are not seeking a particular Web site. Some search engines look through Web pages for all types of information. Others can restrict their searches to a specific type of information, such as images, videos, audio, news, maps, people or businesses, and blogs. Search engines require that you enter a word or phrase, called search text, that describes the item you want to find.

Your search text can be broad, such as spring break destinations, or more specific, such as Walt Disney World.One way to use the Google search engine to search for the phrase, Aspen Colorado ski resorts. The results shown include nearly 150,000 links to Web pages, called hits, that reference Aspen Colorado ski resorts. Each hit in the list has a link that, when clicked, displays an associated Web site or Web page. Most search engines sequence the hits based on how close the words in the search text are to one another in the titles and descriptions of the hits. Thus, the first few links probably contain more relevant information.


Web pages, images, videos, news, maps, and other information related to a specific topic. A subject directory classifies Web pages in an organized set of categories or groups, such as sports or shopping, and related subcategories. Some Web sites offer the functionality of both a search engine and a subject directory. Google and Yahoo!, for example, are widely used search engines that also provide a subject directory. To use Google or Yahoo!, you enter the Web address ( or in the Address bar in a browser window.

A subject directory provides categorized lists of links arranged by subject. Using this search tool, you locate a particular topic by clicking links through different levels, moving from the general to the specific.

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