
Difference Between Low Level Language and Assembly Language Explained

Assembly language is a programming language such as just low level language. The programming languages are classified as low level or high level and assembly language is one of the types. The Difference between Low Level Language and Assembly Language is that low level language is actually a group of languages with assembly being one of the languages in this group.

Low Level Language: Origin and Uses.

Low level programming language refers to programming language in which there is no abstraction from the instruction set architecture of a computer. It deals with computer hardware and constraints. There might be a minute level of abstraction.

These languages are made to handle the hardware of the computer and are often called the native language of a computer. Since there is a little abstraction, these low level languages are considered closer to the computers. The function of these languages is to manage computer hardware.

They are also used for operating and manipulating the hardware components of a computer. The programs that you write in low-level language do not need to be translated or interpreted. They can be directly executed on the computing hardware. Moreover, these applications run quickly as small memory footprint is involved. On the other hand, if you write an application in high level language, interpretation is needed and more memory is required.

For writing low level languages, the programmer must know many technical details. So, they are considered difficult to write even if they are simpler than high level languages. Low level languages may be first or second generation. They also have many types, with machine and assembly programing language being the most popular ones.

Assembly Language: Origin and Uses.

Assembly language is actually a type of low level language. This language is used for programmable devices such as microprocessors. In assembly language, there is a group of languages. Assembly language or assembly code provides machine code that has to be given to a CPU.

In this type, there is a strong relationship between the statement of programs and the machine code instructions of the CPU architecture. A program called assembler is used for the conversion of assembly code to machine code. For each machine instruction, there is one statement in the code.

Assembly languages are specific for an operating system or a CPU architecture. Assembly language is used these days for writing codes that should interact with hardware. These codes are for interrupt handlers mostly. This language is also used to write codes for older architectural processors that do not have the options for high level language.

Summary of Difference between Low Level Language and Assembly Language:

  • There is not really any Difference between Low Level Language and Assembly Language since they both refer to languages that are close to the computer hardware.
  • These languages have a correspondence with the computer architecture.
  • Assembly language is used for systems that have limited compatibility for high level programming language.
  • A basic Difference between Low Level Language and Assembly Language is that assembly language is a king of low level language.

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