Biology Science

Difference Between Sex and Gender

Difference Between Sex and Gender

Summary: Sex refers to the biological status of the person and usually in the category of male, female or intersex (That is, to be distinguished a typical combination of features, the male usually female). While, Gender refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex. Find out complete Difference Between Sex and Gender.

Difference Between Sex and Gender


Sex refers to the biological status of the person and usually in the category of male, female or intersex (That is, to be distinguished a typical combination of features, the male usually female). Although sex is often considered a black and white situation, there are, in fact, a significant amount of protection; some believe that sex should be seen as a continuum with respect to two mutually exclusive categories are considered.


Refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex. Behavior that is compatible with cultural expectations is referred to as gender-normative; behaviors that are viewed as incompatible with these expectations constitute gender non-conformity.

Gender identity:

Refers to one’s sense of oneself as male, female, or transgender. When one’s gender identity and biological sex are not congruent, the individual may identify as transsexual or as another transgender category.

Gender expression:

Refers to the way in which a person acts to communicate gender within a given culture; for example, in terms of clothing, communication patterns and interests. A person’s gender expression may or may not be consistent with socially prescribed gender roles, and may or may not reflect his or her gender identity”

Sex (Biological-Differences)

1- Difficult to change (we are male or female born)

2 Throughout history and across cultures, there are sex differences.

3- Policies respond to sex differences in the areas to do with the physical body.

Gender (Social-Differences)

1- It can be changed from gender identity, which determined by the society.

2-Throughout history and across cultures, there are gender differences. At various times in history and in different societies, the gender roles are different.

3- Policy to gender stereotypes and traditional gender roles react.

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