
Difference Between Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2 Explained

Meiosis is the sexual reproduction in animals and plants. During this process, a diploid cell reduces to the haploid cell so it is also called reduction division or chromosomal division. The Difference between Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2 is that Meiosis 1 is reduction division while Meiosis 2 is educational division. There are also some other differences, such as the arrangement of chromosomes, their alignment, final number or chromosomes.

Meiosis 1: Definition and Functions.

This process is important to conserve the number of chromosomes in a species. Meiosis 1 starts after interphase and this includes four phases. The first phase is the longest and during this phase, chromatin condenses and forms chromosomes that are visible under the microscope. After that, they form homologous pairs and these bivalents form a synapse. After that, nonsister chromatids exchange their genetic material and this is how variation in an offspring comes.

Another Difference between Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2 is that there is no crossing over in Meiosis 2 but there is crossing over of non-sister chromatids in the first division. Meiosis 1 lasts for a longer duration as the prophase is divided into 5 sub-stages.

At the end of this reduction division, 2 daughter cells are formed. On the other hand, 4 daughter cells are formed at the end of Meiosis 2. After Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase take place. As a result of these steps, the diploid cell is reduced to the haploid cell.

Meiosis 2: Definition and Function.

After interkineses, meiosis 2 begins. A Difference between Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2 is that there is no S phase in the second division. Only G phase occurs and then equational division takes place. The cells start as haploid and they also end as haploid. There are four stages but they are different from meiosis 1.

During meiosis 1 homologous chromosome pairs align at the metaphase plate but during meiosis 2, chromes align. There is no crossing over and no exchange of genetic material. This equational division lasts for a short time and is simpler than meiosis 1. While sister chromatids in meiosis 1 have convergent arms, they have divergent arms during meiosis 2.

Also, the equatorial plate is rotated at 90 degrees during meiosis 2. Since the division is simpler, the prophase is not further divided into any sub stages. In the end, 4 daughter cells are formed and the chromosome number of the organism is conserved. Mutations during these two divisions can result in genetic abnormalities causing syndromes and disease.

Summary of Difference between Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2:

  • The main Difference between Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2 is that the former is reduction division while the latter is equational division.
  • Crossing over takes place during meiosis 1 while there is no crossing over in the subsequent decision.
  • 2 daughter cells are formed at the end and the cell becomes haploid during meiosis 1.
  • At the end of meiosis 2, the cells are haploid and 4 daughter cells form.
  • Meiosis 2 is shorter and less complicated as compared to meiosis 1.

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